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The Pendulum Swings.

Pulling a Stuck Potato Truck Out of the Mud on Maine’s Wood Prairie Family Farm.

After four months of steady, stubborn rain which came to total over 28” – enough to grow two crops of Potatoes – the weather pattern has finally shifted over to sunny and dry weather in Northern Maine.

     Pictured here is the field that we were digging our crop of Organic Maine Certified Seed Potatoes when we were last rained out.  After getting our International ‘Bulk Body’ Potato truck stuck in the mud we decided to swap over to another field with higher and drier soil.  Here, Caleb (white t-shirt) and Justin on the Oliver 1650 Diesel Bucket tractor, deploy a chain to tug the truck back to terra firma.

     So, now we’re making good progress with Potato Harvest.  Megan and the office crew are working hard to keep current with shipping out orders. 

     New crop Organic Seed Potatoes are currently available online for Pre-Ordering in small bag sizes.  Once the dust settles and the Potatoes are ready, we’ll begin shipping orders with Potatoes by early November.

      Thanks for your business and enjoy this fine Fall!

Caleb, Jim & Megan Gerritsen & Family
Wood Prairie Family Farm

Bridgewater, Maine

Click here for the Wood Prairie Family Farm Home Page.

Special Offer! Order Organic Garlic TODAY!

The fresh taste of this Rocambole type, stiffneck garlic will broaden your view of this wonderful vegetable. Plant Organic Red Russian Garlic in the Fall for harvest next Summer. We'll Ship Organic Garlic orders in October:
for everyone to plant everywhere in the USA.

Megan's Kitchen Recipes:
Creamed Potatoes With Peas.

Steam 4 small potatoes such as Carola until tender.

Meanwhile, boil 1/2 cup of half-and-half with 2 medium
Genovese Basil leaves.

Add fresh
Green Arrow Peas and simmer until tender. Discard basil, add cooked potatoes, and heat through.

Serves 2. 

Once new potatoes and peas are ready this becomes a simple main meal in our family right up until 'digging' (Fall Potato Harvest).


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Caleb & Jim & Megan Gerritsen
Wood Prairie Family Farm
49 Kinney Road
Bridgewater, Maine 04735
(207) 429 - 9765 / 207 (429) - 9682
Wood Prairie Family Farm | 49 Kinney Rd. Bridgewater, ME 04735